
Yoga, Ayurveda and Spiritual Wisdom

Yoga and Ayurveda are classical Indian sciences which have gained increasing popularity in our modern world. Why have these traditional systems experienced such a renaissance – because they have worked successfully for hundreds of years. But this resurgence has one considerable drawback – there are extensive misconceptions in the application of these ancient practices. This course provides an authentic overview of Yoga, Ayurveda, and their common philosophical system – Sankhya. The eight limbs of Yoga, kriyayoga, and the three doshas (physical constitutions) are specifically discussed. 

Satya Narayana Dasa, PhD, (thesis: ‘An Analysis of Bhakti Sandarbha’) M.A. Sanskrit, is the author of 15 books on Indian culture and philosophy and founder of the Jiva Institute of Vedic Studies to promote Vedic culture, philosophy, and Ayurveda through education. He regularly teaches classes on Hindu philosophy, the Sanskrit language, and ancient Indian sciences for scholars from around the world. He has initiated a program for preservation, translation, and publication of ancient Indian works of science and wisdom, and serves as a visiting professor at the State University of New Jersey, Rutgers, and American Hindu University. He maintains an office in Vrindavan, India.

Cost: Friday October 6th, 6:30 to 9pm - $45 Saturday October 7th, 9:30 to 12 and 2:30 to 5pm - $75 or both $100 with preregistration before September 1st 

Where: The Sadhana Centre, 71 Duke St. Chester, NS, Canada 

Register: with Leigh A. Milne, 902.273.9642 or leigh@thesadhanacentre.com

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